Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bracket Buster

Shit. If that's not an upset, I don't know what is. Kansas over Memphis, not even close to this. I personally had him finishing first. In retrospect, I might not have gone with that. However, how can Syesha and Kristy Lee still be in and Michael Johns is not? Was it the two first names that brought him down? And I was going to give to Idol Gives Back, but since I just wiped myself out of the pool, all the money I had counted on donating seems to be no longer available to me. Britney allegedly gave $25k last night. One dollar for each time her crotch has appeared on the Internet in the past year. Also, I think her and Paula are friends.

Results here!

Yes, I am aware that both Kansas and Memphis were #1 seeds. However, if you saw how Memphis blew the end of the game (and cost me a 4th place finish in my pool), you'd have to consider the Kansas win an upset.


Anonymous said...

not lame!

Anonymous said...

This came just in time. I almost had to actually watch this episode.

Unknown said...

the week that i am in first place you conveniently forget to post the "week 5 leader"?! that's cold.

Gelles said...

oh how the might have fallen....damnit! at least a gelles is still on top!

Lynn said...

Whew..I am back where I can easily find my least I have good company! I think everyone needs to start voting if you haven't already.

Lee said...

I'm sick of people named Gelles being at the top of the leader board. It was deliberate in not mentioning our current leader. No need to inflate an already inflated ego.

Anonymous said...

inflaaaaate!!!! I SAID INFLATE! Good Day.

Unknown said...

Yeah. that michael johns performance was rough. but wtf was up with Carly's song choice? that was busted.