Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Yup, turns out it's David Cook. I normally sing the praises of TiVo, but this time the old girl let me down. Forget to extend a live recording once, shame on me. Forget to extend a live recording twice, shame on TiVo. Should have figured this one out on it's own. The blogosphere is going to be buzzing tonight. Oh well. On to the show.

Pretty good finale show. Lots of good performances. I thought this one was pretty funny:

Thought the best duet was Carly and Michael Johns. She should have finished much higher, and he's not too bad either. There were a few people I forgot about in the Top 12. David Hernandez, Amanda Ugly, and Ramielle. Could have done without ever seeing them again. David Hernandez reminds me of these dudes:

Want to make sure I touch on everyone here. George Michael, George Michael Bluth and Boy George. I always get them confused.

Brooke is really just a terrible dancer. She gives Elaine a run for her money.

Chikeze is still the man. Definitely didn't have the stuff to go the distance, and I'm not sure he would have made it this far in any other season, but I like him, and Elyssa likes him, so that's all that really matters. Kristy Lee Cook. What can be said? She's hot, not a great singer, and clearly got by on her middle America / hot chick thing. However! Compare her to Carrie Underwood, and really there isn't any comparison. Carrie is also the hot, middle America girl, except she's really hot, can really sing, and wears coats as shirts. Amen to that.

Syesha was pretty good. I still think she's more of a middle of the pack girl. She did bring her stuff at the end, but I would have swapped Carly for her. I think that would have been a better fit. But, I've shared what doomed Carly in an earlier post. And finally Jason Castro. Dude. I'd probably try to illegally download his album. I don't think I'd go out of my way to buy it, but if it happened to come across my desktop, well, who am I to turn it down.

Finally, on to David 1 and David 2. While watching the show tonight, prior to being told who won, I was thinking that David Cook CLEARLY was the better of the two. Every time they sang, Cook was just that much better. David A is good, real good, but I think he'll be a bigger hit with the teenie bopper girls and the Josh Groban crowd. Who know who you are (stegold)! Well, 12 million more people voted for David Cook than David A. Suck it David A's dad. It annoyed me that he wore a hat every night. You know you're going to be on TV in front of 50 million people. Lose the hat.

With that I leave you with the results and a pool recap.

Pool Top 10:
1. Koretz, Elyssa
2. Whitney, Jeff
3. Gelles, Jess
4. Gelles, Gelles
5. Whitney, Merrie
6. Lewitt, Mike
7. Greenstein, Barry
8. Koretz, Ellen
9. Kaufman, Lesley
10. Gold, Ste

Pool Bottom 10:

36. Bornstein, Ruth
37. Reiff, Emily
38. Hulbert, Katie
39. Grosser, Jeff
40. Canlas, Joel
40. Schneider, Marcia
42. Sandler, Elaine
43. Green, Lynn
44. Schneider, Amy
45. Gold, Judy

As an interesting side note, 40% of the Bottom 10 are my blood relatives. 0% of the Top 10. That's some good genetics. Also, nice job by Amy putting David Cook in 12th place. That worked out.

Thanks to everyone for participating in the pool this year. I had a lot of fun writing the blog. Stay tuned for the 2009 American Idol pool. Tell your friends, neighbors, co-workers, cell mates, whomever!

And I almost forgot! Congratulations to Elyssa and Jeff Whitney! Well done. Jeff, I'll have your winnings ready for you. Elyssa, I already spent yours. Sorry.


Ste Gold said...

Amy Sucks!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That wasn't very nice!!! jerk!

Gelles said...

2 Gelles' in the Final 4.....whadddup!!!!

Lynn said...

Congrats to Elyssa! Thanks for all the laughs Lee :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Elyssa. I am bummed that I was in the top 5 until the final. :)

Unknown said...

Lucky for Lee, he's marrying the winner, at least providing good genes for his kids (way down the road -- don't anyone start getting too excited now).