Thursday, March 27, 2008

Week 3 Results

GELLES! GELLES! GELLES! The kid continues to dominate. The last time this guy was so dominant was in Co-Ed Jewish Softball. Only that ended with a broken hand, shattered pride, and permanent water boy duty. Oh well, hopefully this turns out better.

Chikezie Eze got the boot. No idea how Ramiele survived. Not even the bottom 3. I was dumbfounded. A quick Google for Chikezie returned this image. Not the Chikezie I was looking for.

UPDATE! Results spreadsheet in your email or here!

Weeks 1 & 2 Recap

Two weeks have passed, and I honestly can't even remember who the first two people voted off were. Obviously they sucked.

Upon further research, it turns out David Hernandez got the boot first. Followed by that freaky looking chick Amanda. Who knew?

Anyway, weeks 1 & 2 were totally owned by Gelles. Good for him. The little guy could use a victory. AMERICAN IDOL

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